Why does it seem like every time I write a comic involving a character being sleepy, I end up falling asleep before the comic is finished and the whole update ends up being late? I need to start having this comic take place exclusively at lunchtime so this stops happening. So, yeah, the same drill as Tuesday: rough draft now just so SOMETHING and go up by noon, the finished draft will be up sometime tonight or tomorrow morning, but a new Voting Incentive is up now. Actually, I managed to get that done as early as WEDNESDAY NIGHT, but fell asleep before I could swap the Incentives at midnight. CURSE YOU, BIOLOGICAL NEED TO SLEEP!!!

…speaking of which, I forget: have I already coyly pointed out that pretty much the only time we’ve ever seen Layla asleep is in Incentives or Holiday comics, while the few times ever even seen her in bed in-canon, she was still wide awake? I mean, it’s relevant here either way, but I genuinely can’t remember if I said that bit already.

(Historical Notes: Man, who would have thought at the time that THIS random punchline was gonna end up leading to something?)