Just in case you thought I forgot: Bridget and Stilez hating each other is still a thing. Or, more accurately, Bridget hating Stilez while Stilez only barely even notices that something is going on is still a thing.

I really need to find an excuse for Stilez to start wearing some more extensive clothing. Anytime she goes out of few for more than a few pages, I forget just how long it takes to draw and color all those stripes. It’s always a rude awakening when I have to get back int he habit of doing it, and it always makes the page take longer than I expect. And before anyone suggests that she just keep one of Tabitha’s costumes, those would all end up being time consuming in some other way. I need to think of a reason for her to wear something sleek and simple. *puts on thinking cap*

Oh, and speaking of things taking longer that expected, today’s Voting Incentive was one of those instances where I just started doodling with no real plan in mind. I should really start doing that more often, cos I was VERY pleased with the result… to the point that I found myself tinkering with little details HOURS longer than I should have spent on a Voting Incentive. By the time I tore myself away (I could have easily fiddled with the colors a LOT more) I was already waaaaay behind schedule on starting the actual page. It’s always SOMETHING, isn’t it?

ALSO: before I forget: I updated the Conventional Wisdom Patreon Gallery with a whole lot of 2016 stuff. So, if you can’t afford to be a Patron yourself but still want a taste of what they get to enjoy, now’s your chance!

(Historical Notes: Man, leaving Stilez’s head un-colored except for that screentone effect sure was a choice.)