So, the original idea for this page was that Trigger tried to make his own Christmas tree out of nannybot parts. I didn’t go with that because of space issues -I wanted to, you know, actually have room for the main characters- but upon reflection, that would have been a horribly idea anyway. Because I don’t mean “parts” as in a tree constructed out of gears and wires, I’m talking about a “tree” constructed out of severed hands and heads and stuff. Like, something from the robot version of Texas Chainsaw Massacre. CREEPY stuff. And I GUESS the notion that sweet innocent Trigger would be oblivious to the creepiness COULD have been made funny… but not for Christmas, man. So, yeah, we really lucked out on that.

(Historical Notes: It’s also been rightly pointed out that the very fact of Trigger being so sweet and innocent is precisely the reason why this joke wouldn’t have worked.  If Trigger tried to make something obviously creepy, he’d be the first one to get scared by it… which now that I think about it, actually WOULD be a funny scene, just not one we’d have time to see in this one-page-at-a-time format.)