A bit of mythos fine-tuning here. Originally the Hoch’ren Honnee were supposed to be a sort of messianic cult. That was the whole point behind the “most important person” titles: the Number One Most Important Person was the one who was eventually save the universe during their prophesied last days, and the rest are backups just in case… buuuuut pretty much all the jokes I can think of for these guys have nothing to to with that backstory and everything to do with them just being a generic Rich and Powerful Organization. So here’s official confirmation that even they don’t really care about that backstory anymore.

…and Frank doesn’t have anything to do tomorrow because, seriously, would YOU ask him to show up for anything?

(Historical Notes: I don’t remember if I ever mentioned this anywhere else, but at one point my explanation for why we never see the 1st or 2nd Most Important Person was because the Hoch’ren Honnee had dissected them and kept their organs in storage.  The idea being that didn’t really need the “person” to do whatever messianic universe-saving thing they were preparing for, just the genetic material.  Frank would be the first “spare” far enough down the totem pole for anyone to risk him going around and doing stuff and risking damage.  Of course, I’ve since realized that’s WAY too dark to actually show in a comic, so now I just assume No. 1 and No. 2 live like isolated hermits, totally cut off from the rest of the universe and all its icky germs and threats of minor injury.  I think that idea lends itself to way more than just one single punchline.)