Several rapid-fire comments:

I’m quite pleased with the atmospherics in that second panel.

Even if there’s holes in the back, I have no idea how Vashti gets shirts on and off over her wings.

I want to make Xal Gox cupcakes now.

This page is actually a momentous occasion, cos it’s the first hints of paying off something that was first teased YEARS ago. Let’s see if anyone can remember what it was (in the 24 hours before the next pages distracts everyone)

(Historical Notes: …and speaking of bits of humanization that I really like, dorky homebody Vashti is one of my favorite things we don’t get to see very often.  Also, nobody ever got the “teased years ago” bit, so I’ll finally clarify that Vashti’s little brother here is the last of the four characters I teased waaaaaaaaaaay back in that very early Voting Incentive.  If memory serves, the other three were Disonar, Kevin, and May.  So yeah, I was kind of REALLY ahead of myself when I posted that.)