On the one hand, I’m kind of sad that I ended up drawing this page in a way where we can’t see the covers of ALL those books, since it means I couldn’t make up a bunch of really outlandish children’s story names… but on the other hand, I DIDN’T HAVE TO COME UP WITH A WHOLE BUNCH OF REALLY OUTLANDISH CHILDREN’S STORY NAMES.

So, I’m frantically trying to maneuver plot points around so that we leave things on a satisfying cliffhanger when the Christmas stuff starts next month (I’m constantly trying to live up to the 2014 one. Sadly, the point I WANTED to leave things on simply can’t be reached before the end of November, there’s just too much setup required. But I do think I found a decent mini-cliffhanger to pause on, so hopefully it’ll work out.

In the meantime, did somebody say Voting Incentive? This one shares a theme with Tuesday’s Incentive… though probably not the one you wanted.

(Historical Notes: It’ll come up in greater detail later, but I’m REALLY glad the planned cliffhanger didn’t end up being the cliffhanger, because it would NOT have been a good one.)