Maybe I should go away more often. Apparently these are the only circumstances under which I can actually get comics up at midnight (even if, like on Tuesday, they were TOTALLY DONE DAYS IN ADVANCE!) But yeah, I’m down in Atlanta as you read this, so if you see me around AWA, say Hi! And even if you don;t be sure to read the Conventional Wisdom update whenever it actually gets done. Pretty please?

Anyway, on to the comic itself. The bit about whether or not Avatar sleeps came up on the forum AGES ago, but I thought now was a good time to finally mention it in the comic proper. The burning question of Avatar’s morning breath remains unanswered, however.

So, I’d LIKE to think I managed to get a new Voting Incentive posted before I left Thursday, but seeing as how I’m writing this Tuesday, I have no idea. Well, there’s always one way to find out!


EDIT EDIT: aaaand after all that, the page STILL didn’t go up at midnight… because I set the time wrong. Geez, what the heck, me?

(Historical Notes: People not familiar with Far Out There really don’t understand just how protective these readers are of Avatar.  Discussion in the comments over Tabitha’s questions here went from morning breath to saliva production to me asking if Avatar can produce tears, and HOOOOOOOOLY CRAP I’m not allowed to even suggest Avatar crying every again.)