Well, I feel kind of stupid. This page was done days ago. Literally DAYS. But I was so wrapped up in getting other stuff done to cover the trip to AWA that I completely forgot about posting the thing that already WAS done.

Anyway, where have we seen this before?

Also, one good thing that DID come from me forgetting to load this page ahead of time is that I know for a fact that there’s a new Voting Incentive for today, at least. I’m gonna TRY to get some extra stuff done for either Friday or next Tuesday, but I actually am talking about the future with those, so I can’t be sure.

EDIT: The Incentive/Patreon Gallery inches ever closer to being caught up! And this time, it’s some stuff a lot of you haven’t EVER seen! I posted another set of Patreon comics this morning, so go see what kind of awesome stuff the paying customers have been enjoying all this time! And if that’s not enough, there’s ALSO a new batch of Voting Incentives going up on the site this afternoon, one page every 15 minutes or so. So go on, take a trip down memory lane!

(Historical Notes: I feel like we started seeing characters sleeping more and more around this point in the comics’ history, which in retrospect should really have been a warning sign.)