You wouldn’t think a page of two heads talking would be all that difficult to write, but this page actually went through a LOT of drafts before the final version. See, the original idea for this page was to view Layla and Trigger from BEHIND, meaning that we could actually see Tabitha and Stilez in the background the whole time. The joke then would be how long it’d take Layla to finally notice them and react. Of course, it wasn’t long before I realized that having the payoff be “Showing this gratuitous fanservice is entirely inappropriate!” …but still showing the fanservice anyway would be kinda sorta really hypocritical (We save that stuff for the Voting Incentives, thank you very much). So, flip the viewpoint around and have the belly rubs happening outside the frame. Right? Well, after I did that, I realized the dialog I’d originally written wasn’t, well, very funny on it’s own. I had to WILDLY redo Trigger and Layla’s reactions to make them entertaining all on their own. All this for a page that, in the end, is just two talking heads.

Also, Trigger’s dialog has a distinct Ralph Wiggum feel.

Finally, I mentioned this when I edited the previous page, but I’ll say it again here: there’s no “new” Voting Incentive today, mostly because the “old” one was several days late, and thus is hardly all that old yet (and since it turned out unusually well, I kinda want to make sure everybody gets a chance to see it). Also, seeing as how getting Incentives done has been more and more of a problem lately, I wanted to give myself some time to build up at least a BIT of a backlog of the things. Hopefully, that means Friday will be back to normal… well, better than normal, actually.

(Historical Notes: Okay, Past Me already mentioned this, but it bears repeating that THIS is how you properly make fun of fanservice.  Tell, don’t show.  Also, fun quote from the comment section: “What is this I see on the distant horizon? It’s an entire armada of Ships approaching!”)