It sure is a good thing Ichabod’s door inexplicably stayed open long enough for him to see Layla storming by, eh?

So… confession time. This was NOT supposed to be the page that went up today. This part was supposed to come AFTER the bit originally intended for today… but that page involves something that would be REEEAAAALLY tricky to draw right. And seeing as how I’d just spent all day finally finishing that extra batch of Conventional Wisdom comics for Patreon, I wasn’t sure I was up to doing it right. So, last minute reshuffling of plot points so that there’s be an easier page to draw for today. It’s probably stretching out the pacing too much now, but hey, at least I didn’t botch the art!

And speaking of reshuffling and drawing things out, insert the usual “New Voting Incentive isn’t done yet, so check back later” message here. Once again, it IS drawn, just not colored in yet. In the mean time, though, I DID manage to do a pretty major update of the new Incentive Gallery, so you can always go take a trip down memory lane with those!

OH! And speaking of last weekend, guess who totally forgot to let anyone know in advance that there’d be a special Father’s Day comic on Sunday? SO you can always go see THAT too! That’s plenty of stuff to occupy yourself with until the new Voting Incentive is ready, right?

EDIT: Okay, new Voting Incentive is up. Let’s see if anyone can guess which character will be in THIS one!

(Historical Notes: Really weird glitch on the original posting for this one.  Somehow, I wound up linking to the Top WebComics ranking IMAGE instead of the actual voting page.  Like, I guess I copied the button’s image location instead of the actual link or something like that.  It just goes to show that there’s NO limit to what sort of things I can mess up when I’m not paying attention.)