Oh man, this page is kicking my BUTT. I had to redraw Stilez, like, a dozen times before getting the version seen before you. The pose would be off or the perspective wouldn’t be right or the drawing wouldn’t line up with the other elements of the page properly or her hand would be all funky or all KINDS of other stuff. It’s still not really “right”, just close enough for me to slap some text on the thing and finally get it posted. Obviously, I’ll have the finished, polished, colored-in version posted later today.

But yeah, everybody’s finally in one place! Commence anticipation!

Also, new Voting Incentive! THAT, at lest, got finished on time!

Also also, I’ve made some more progress on updating the new Incentive/Patreon Gallery. In another month or so, I might actually get to some of the Patreon material!

(Historical Notes: Even after all that fiddling I did while coloring the page in, I still had to basically re-draw Stilez’s hand from scratch on the re-edit.  I’m trying to get less picky about these little details so that the re-posts can come faster, but that hand was one of those things that had ALWAYS bugged me.)