Wow, a page actually going up AT MIDNIGHT! How crazy at that? And it only took… what, a week of barely sleeping at all? Yeah, I’m really scrambling to get as many extra pages before MAGFest as possible. I’ve already got Friday’s page inked, so that update will definitely be ready to go by the time I leave. I’m HOPING to have next Tuesday’s page finished before then too, since Conventional Wisdom goes so much more smoothly when I don’t have to stop for a day. I’m also hoping to get Voting Incentives up and running again after that. Admittedly, I’ve got ANOTHER convention next month, but I shouldn’t have anywhere near as much to do before that one.

Oh, and speaking of schedule disruptions, the Patreon comic for this week will be really early too, since I kind of don’t know how to set those to go live at a later date. So be sure to go check on that.

(Historical Notes: You know, Past Me was naïve enough to think there might actually be some mystery to what was happening here, as if everybody wouldn’t IMMEDIATELY guess what the cause of all the alarms was going to turn out to be.)