I know, I know, another page that’s not only late, but late AND unfinished. No blaming the delay on technical difficulties this time, this one’s all on me. With MAGFest coming up, I’m trying to get some new merchandiser ready, and that led to me spending waaaaaaay too much time laying out a new Conventional Wisdom booklet. Thanks to that, I’m pretty much behind schedule for the whole rest of the week.

Don’t worry, though, I’ll have the fully edited and colored page up later today. Same goes for today’s Voting Incentive. There WILL be one, I’ve already got it drawn and everything. I just won’t have it colored in until sometime this evening. Patience, gentle reader!

EDIT: Okay! Voting Incentive is up! Stilez fans rejoice!

(Historical Notes: Oh man, THIS page.  There’s plenty I could say about all the debating that sprang up in the comments, but all I can think about is how much editing I wound up doing on this page.  I doesn’t look that elaborate or anything, but the original was FULL of wonky perspective and weird anatomy and little glitches that where all JUUUUUUST minor enough individually that I couldn’t resist trying to fix them, but collectively wound up being one of the most time consuming edit jobs I’ve done in a while.  There’s still some fundamentally awkward poses that I wouldn’t be able to fix without completely re-drawing a panel… though this page ended up taking so long that I almost wonder why I DIDN’T just go ahead and do that.)