Far Out There/Conventional Wisdom Christmas Crossover – page 25
Well, there you have it, guys! I might not have any ornaments based on my comics, but at least I’ve got some figures & plushies to pose in front of the tree. And they were all gifts, so it’s doubly appropriate! Anyway, thanks for putting up with my indulgent holiday-related behavior all month. Also, thanks to anybody who went and checked out Conventional Wisdom after reading these. Traffic’s been way up all around this month, and that’s a pretty awesome Christmas gift right there! And if you want more, I’ll be at Ichibancon over New Year’s Weekend, so look for a new batch of comics early next month.
Also, there MIGHT be a new Voting Incentive and a new Patreon comic up by the time you read this… but I’m not sure cos this is the first time in over a week that I’ve gotten a page up in advance. If either of those aren’t up yet, just check back in a few hours, they’ll be ready eventually.
And, once again, MERRY CHRISTMAS!
EDIT: Okay, Patreon comic and Voting Incentive are finally both up. Sorry for the delay!
(Historical Notes: Somebody misread “Ichibancon” as “Ichabodcon,” which absolutely boggles the mind.)
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