It’s not that it’s hard to distract Stilez, it’s just hard to keep her from getting distracted from the distraction.

So, funny thing about the extra Patreon comics. I was trying to decide whether to make Monday the update day for Conventional Wisdom or Far Out There… but because I’m a big doof, I didn’t end up posting either comic yesterday. So I guess I’ll be putting the Conventional Wisdom page up tomorrow just for this week, with Thursday becoming Patreon’s Far Out There day. So if you want to get in at the start of the new series, sign up as a Patreon supporter soon!

But moving on to a series that’s ENDING, Layla’s Cosplay Voting Incentive Adventure is nearly concluded! But before we get to the end, I had one more thing that needed doing. We’ve seen Layla in all sorts of anime-trope-tastic costumes, but not one that actually came from Far Out There’s own extensive pop culture. How could we change that? Hmmm…

(Historical Notes: Tax going “UGH” is one of my more favorite drawing in a while.  In a subtle way, it’s one of the earliest glimpse of Tax having more going on than just being Stilez’s enabler.  Also, there’s a LOT that Present Me want to say to Past Me about those Voting Incentives, but I think I’ll save that for when I finally get around to re-posting the incentives themselves.)