Just a quick reminder that, yes, there were a lot of other people on that airship Stiles trashed. And they probably didn’t all have trash cans to hide inside.

But enough about that, LOOK AT THE CUTENESS! I guess we know who the real “grown up” in this pair is, huh?

Also, LOOK! AN UPDATE THAT FINALLY WENT UP RIGHT AT MIDNIGHT! How long has it been? Well, I’ll tell you this right now, it wasn’t easy. I got a crazy head start on today’s page because I didn’t really have time to be working on comic stuff this week… and ended up having to work on comic stuff all week anyway. Better yet, we had a power outage when I was about two-thirds through editing this thing, and I had to start over from scratch. THAT was fun, and also a reason why I’m not incredibly pleased with the page we ended up getting. Doing stuff over again, but in a hurry, rarely yields results as good as the first time through.

Anyway, another side effect of the update going up on time is that I don’t actually have the new Voting Incentive finished yet. It’s coming, and will probably be done by the time most of you read this. But if you’re an early bird, you might need to wait a few hours. Sorry!

EDIT: Uh, okay! So, literally just a few minutes after I wrote that, the power went out AGAIN, this time for several hours. Shockingly, that made working on incentives a little difficult. It’ll still get done… SOMETIME today, I just really don’t know when.

EDIT EDIT: OKAY! New Voting Incentive is finally up! Vote away!

(Historical Notes: I like that I’m re-posting a page with all this complaining about the power going out on a day when the Internet’s been randomly going out all afternoon.  On a more relevant note, I think this is the first really obvious instance of Tax moving away from being the imp that drives Stilez on to the calming factor that reigns her in.  At least, obvious enough for Past Me to actually mention it in the comments.)