Another sweeping, last-minute change to the page as a whole, but I think this one is better realized than Tuesday’s sudden rewrite. Ironically, this is also what most of the audience sees whenever I do a Wall of Text page. 😀

So, stuff got kinda weird yesterday and my usual drawing process (such as it is) got all thrown out of whack. Thus, I ended up getting the comic itself drawn before a Voting Incentive, which is the opposite of what usually happens. I’m not punking out on it this time, though. You guys had to put up with enough of that crap over the past month or so. I’m gonna get to work on a new Voting Incentive as soon as I finish writing this. By the time most of you guys read this, is SHOULD be up (if not, well, I guess you’ll just have to vote again tomorrow. WELL DARN)