WOW, this page is late. Sorry about that, guys. Remember how I confessed that I hadn’t gotten an extra page done before leaving for Animazement? Yeah, this is why that’s a problem. I up and zonked out while working on the page last night, and… well, just look at all the words on this page. This isn’t one to try and do while half asleep. Heck, even after that, it’s still a sloppier page than I would have liked.

And speaking of unfinished, you might very well be reading this page with no color or anything. This page is overdue enough as it is, I didn’t wanna make you guys wait any longer while I colored everything in. So, here’s the half-done version to look at until I actually DO get everything finished.

There’s still not gonna be a new Voting Incentive today, though. We MIGHT have a new one on Friday, though that depends on how much progress I’ve made on Conventional Wisdom by then. Cross your fingers!

EDIT: Okay, yeah, it’s colored in now. Funny thing, even though gun seller guy’s been appearing for months, I only just now had to decide on his hair/skin/clothes colors. Up ’til now, I’d been able to cheat and just make everything purple.

(Historical Notes: Even as I write this in the summer of 2020, there’s still a lot of unanswered questions about just what Astrid’s background really is.  It’s established that she really IS as rich as she acts, and the eventual reveal that she was childhood friends with Augusta proves this isn’t some recent development, but then there’s moments like these which suggest there’s more going on in her history than just growing up loaded.  I’ll be honest, I don’t really have a solid answer for that yet, partially because Astrid hasn’t NEEDED to have that stuff answered yet.)