Oh, you’d better BELIEVE those guys are in trouble. Stilez’s ears are straight back AND her tail’s all poofy. That’s two-strikes against you in kitty language right there. If her back was arched too, we’d ALL be dead now.

…aaaaaaaand yeah, this page doesn’t really tell us anything that we didn’t already figure out last time. But hey, after all her Tigger-like bouncing around, I REALLY wanted to draw Stilez stomping up all slow and deliberate. Gotta find as many ways as possible to keep things fun to draw, right?

Speaking of changing things up, we’ve had plenty of pages mining humor from a woman whose strength is wildly disproportionate to her slender frame. Today’s Voting Incentive brings back a character who can NOT do that gag.

(Historical Notes: This is another one of those instances of me spending LOTS and LOTS of time working on fixing little details the reader specifically isn’t supposed to notice,  stuff like extra layers of blur on the background or ever-so-slightly making one of Stilez’s legs thicker than the other to make the ‘stepping forward’ pose a little less awkward.  I actually wound up blurring through a lot of subsequent pages with minimal edits specifically to make up for all the time I blew on this one.  Also, there was a great tag line for this page in the original comments: “There are two people in the universe that can stop Stilez. And you’ve injured BOTH of them.”)