So, when I decided to randomly toss swirly psychedelic colors all over the last page, it wasn’t supposed to actually be happening in universe. It was just gonna be one of those dramatic effect things… But naw, screw that. Now the robots Trigger tampered with are literally shooting blinding rainbow colors everywhere… SOMEHOW. I mean, all robots in this universe are clearly designed so that their eyes change color whenever they turn evil, so maybe Trigger just tapped into that?

Also, new Voting Incentive with more costume swapping fun!

(Historical Notes: Okay, this was by FAR the worst page of this batch in terms of the background overpowering the art, and I easily spent the most time adding new layers and cranking up the brightness and re-filling the lines back in to try and make everything more legible.  Actually, the end result turned out BETTER than expected, since the last minute decision to keep the background showing through Stilez’s eyes adds waaaaaaaaay more than I thought it would.  Gotta love a happy ending!)