I am never having another Far Out There character who wears lipstick again. Or at least, none of those characters will ever OPEN THEIR MOUTHS. I must have redrawn the second panel fifty times, and Astrid STILL looks like she’s part fish.

Well, those two back to back conventions I was complaining about earlier (the reason we don’t have Voting Incentives right now) are almost upon us. As I write this, I’ve got another five pages to edit and post over the next… 48 hours? Probably less than that, since I still need to pack. Anyway, expect the Author Comments over the next two weeks to either get a lot shorter, or get waaaaaaay longer and more incoherent. Either way, you’ll be watching my sleep deprivation take hold in slow motion. ENJOY!

(Historical Notes: At the time, I wanted the gag of the first page to be the suggestion of some pretty strong language obscured by the girls’ overlapping the speech bubbles… but even when it’s just a hint, I wasn’t going to imply any language that was TOO vulgar in Far Out There, so it doesn’t really work.  Really, I SHOULD have gone back to one of the older comics’ trademarks and had them using fictional insults from other works.  Oh well.)