GASP! A color other than black, white, or yellow! WHAT IS THIS MADNESS?!?!?!? I probably should have done the same thing as Tuesday’s page, and provided some cute chibi illustrations of the stuff Layla’s talking about… but too many of these Layla/Disonar pages have been driven by corner cutting methods, so I really wanted to do something actually NICE to look at for once. (and, well, Layla…)

Speaking of Layla, let’s not forget that shoe knows EXACTLY how badly the whole “rip off bad guys” thing can go if you don’t plan it out well enough. I thought about having her directly reference that little incident in the page… but Layla’s main objective right now is to show off how much smarter she is than anyone else. Admitting how badly she screwed something up in the past would be rather counter-productive (and let’s face it, she’s not going to be in a hurry to revisit that under ANY circumstances)

Now, back to my frantic quest to get enough pages finished to cover Otakon (fun fact, this is been written a week ago. HELLO FROM THE PAST!!!)

(Historical Notes: I got really REALLY confused by the first line of the comments for a second, since I didn’t realize Past Me was counting grey as a “color.”  I really seriously thought I’d somehow copied the comments off of the wrong page and got all worried that I’d have to go back and re-check the previous few pages to make sure nothing had gone out of sync.)