Hey look! We’re finally back to real, normal, actual Far Out There pages again! …and we’re focusing on a character who isn’t even on the Cast page, which I REALLY AM GOING TO FIX! I just need to get to a point where I don’t have five other things that HAVE TO BE DONE RIGHT NOW! (Yeah, still working on convention stuff for January)

But yes, after all this time of being stuck on The Exposition, we’re suddenly off the ship entirely! How ’bout that? And just in case you forgot, the Hector family is fantastically rich.

Also, in case you ALSO forgot, we won’t be having new Voting Incentives for a while, since I’m already trying to pump out a LOT of pages in a very short amount of time. There’s a story there, beyond the convention stuff, but I’ll save that for after New Years…

SPEAKING OF WHICH, we’ve got ONE MORE HOLIDAY PAGE on January 1st! So tune in for that!

(Historical Notes: I really, REALLY want to do more with the Hector Family’s elite army of hyper-competent, high-strung maids.)