DANG this page took a long time. Sorry ’bout that, but after pounding out the big, giant Conventional Wisdom update, I’m kind of running on fumes right now… and the best part is, I’m about to head off to ANOTHER convention next week. Yeah… this is NEVER happening again.

And yet, I do kind of like this page, even though nothing really happens beyond a mild wardrobe change. Tabitha’s work has apparently reached a point where she doesn’t need the protection of a jacket and goggles, ‘cos I’m tired of drawing the jacket and goggles. This is another one of those times where I didn’t have a rough draft ready, so I just started doodling the first thing that came to mind. (and apparently, the first thing was “lose the overcoat”)

I DID have a rough draft for the Voting Incentive, though. Enjoy it while you can, folks. With all the trips out of town in my near future, I can’t promise they’ll keep coming on a regular basis. (Like I said, I am NEVER doing this many conventions this close again)

(Historical Notes: Sadly, it’d take a while before I really took my own advice about taking con trips that close together.  Also, it’s worth noting that I’ve gotten a LOT of use out of the art on this page.  That big drawing of Tabitha has popped up on SEVERAL bits of advertising and merch over the years.)