It’s a good thing for Avatar that Layla was too busy to see HER “being a sourpuss” while the mad scientists were around. Otherwise, you can bet we’d be hearing about it right now.

Speaking of right now, I’m at Otakon! If you’re in Baltimore this weekend, track me down and say hi! And say it loudly and repeatedly, I’ll probably be too sleepy to hear you at first. Due to this Conventioning, we don’t have a new Voting Incentive today, but don’t let that stop you from voting on TWC anyway! 😀 I’m still not sure if there’ll be an incentive on Tuesday or not (remember, I’ll be in the middle of a big ol’ Conventional Wisdom update at the time), but cross your fingers!

(Historical Notes: Okay, the MangaStudio screentone effects could be a bit fit or miss, but I still REALLY like how the water in the pool turned out here.)