Say, you know what we haven’t seen in this comic for a while? made up profanity borrowed from another source! Actually, that’s technically not what we’re seeing here, as the little bit of Lovecraftian Old Ones speak isn’t technically a “swear word”, but it sounds like it should be. Actually, my original idea was to slip in one of the Tamaranian words Starfire was always saying on Teen Titans, but those all seemed too long and cumbersome to be believable as something Layla would actually say. She’s a busy lady, you know, and needs her profanity to be quick and too the point.

Anyway, I’ve got one more day of work, then a week of packing, cleaning, and frantic page drawing (I want to get a week or so of material loaded before I unplug the computer, just in case I have any trouble getting it up and running again) WHEEEE!

(Historical Notes: When I first looked back over this page, it immediately struck me how weird it felt for Layla to be dropping that first line, so it was nice to read the comments and see I wasn’t the only one who thought it should have been more of an Avatar line.  In fact, EVERYTHING the girls do in that first panel ought to be swapped.  Layla, a normal person who has to worry about normal human things like getting killed, should be the one who briefly shuts down in a panic.  I mean, we saw her completely snap with rage in the Mad Scientist Convention that one time; I think that’s a legit reaction here.  Avatar, on the other hand, wouldn’t experience that same level of primal terror since she knows she can’t be physically harmed.  Oh, she can still be grossed out and spooked by something creepy, we’ve seen how she avoids Vengeance like the plague, but I don’t think she’d freeze like this.  Rather, SHE’S the one who should be shouting, having been more startled than genuinely frightened.  Alphonse is totally on point, though.)