
Uh, MAN, that’s a lotta trash in that room, huh?

So, yeah. This page turned out well! Actually, my original plan was to have them find the spiky blue thing cracked open, like an egg shell, leading to another page or two off looking for what hatched out of it… but we’ve had WAY too much looking already, so BOOM, GLOWING BLUE MONSTER IN YO FACE RIGHT NOW AND WATCHU GONNA DO?

(Historical Notes: I am not good enough to make a page this effective.  I still don’t know how this managed to work so well… okay, admittedly the obvious squiggly lines in the background weren’t meant to be THAT obvious.  If I’d realized the blur wouldn’t obscure them more, I would have put more detail into it.  But aside from that, it’s EXACTLY what I wanted.)