Well THAT took longer to finish than it should have. Yeah, sorry about that. Here we have another example of me changing something at the last minute and slowing everything down as a result. Originally, this page was going to have two whole panels dedicated simply to explaining what Alphonse was doing to Layla’s boots… which is absurd, since I don’t think there’ a single person out there who hadn’t already figured out this was gonna happen. Worse, the page would have skipped from the explanation directly to Layla standing on the wall, staring down the shaft from her impossible, vertigo-inducing angle… in other words, THE EXACTLY SAME THING AS TUESDAY’S PAGE. Obviously, something had to change, so I decided to show the “SURPRISE GRAVITY!!!” moment and emphasize that.

I think it works, but it was an ordeal to draw. Not only did I have to totally revamp the layout of the page, but now there was this whole physical bit thrown in, and those are really easy to mess up. Wanna know one of the reasons so many Far Out There characters wear oversized clothing? It covers up their bodies during action sequences, so if I commit any crimes against anatomy, it isn’t as obvious. With Layla in the catsuit, however, you can basically see everything, so I have to work extra hard to make sure nothing is pointing a direction it’s not supposed to.

(Historical Notes: Because this comic attracts a wonderful readership of thinkers, problem-solvers, and nitpickers, just about all the comments were trying to figure out my complaint in the alt text.  I really can’t stress enough how much I enjoy that sort of thing.)