Okay… So, I finally got all the Conventional Wisdom comics finished and online… at 2:30 am… and there was NO Far Out There ready for today. Not even a rough draft penciled up. I mean, I know what’s supposed to happen once Alphonse and the girls do down that shaft, and it’s all stuff that I’d pushed BACK a few weeks because it’s stuff that’d take a long time to draw… and I gotta get SOME sleep before work.

SOOO, I bashed this thing together in an hour… and actually, I like it! I mean, it doesn’t LOOK that great, what with the “in an hour” stuff, but come on! Out of nowhere, Vengeance has lines! Surprise!

(Historical Notes: Man, for something I threw together so quickly, this one got SOOOOO much speculation over ol’ spooky robes.  And it’s always weird to see speculation about a thing where I actually KNOW what’s coming next, not still making things up and desperately hoping I can come up with something that lives up to the hype.)