Dang, it feels WEIRD not doing a voting incentive along with this page… Speaking of which, trying to get the next two weeks of pages done in advance is, well, kinda HARD. I don’t really have enough spare brain cells to say much of anything interesting at the moment…

Well, okay, one thing: the screen is showing what Alphonse’s visual feed, meaning that Layla can’t actually SEE Trigger, only hear him. This matters ‘cos, let’s face it, she’d be a LOT less snarky right now if she could actually see the poor lil’ guy right now. *sniff* HE JUST WANTS TO USE HIS DRAWINGS FOR SOMETHING, DANG IT!!!

(Historical Notes: It’s been a while since I said something like this… but just you wait until the hiatus, Past Me.  It’s STILL throwing me off to not have a regular update schedule right now.  That seriously was the number one means by which I measured the passage of time throughout the week.  Having a routine for over a decade, then suddenly just NOT having it… that does a number on your brain.)