Layla’s got good reason to be apprehensive. The last time they went poking around in garbage, she nearly got torn apart by robots.

So, in my rough draft, the panels in this page were shaped to look like a big trash can. Get it? Alas, when the speech bubbles were factored in, you couldn’t really make out the shape anymore, so I ditched it. A pity, ‘cos I don’t really get a chance to do pages like that much anymore.

Anyway, we’re getting closer and closer to the Voting Incentive Hiatus, so enjoy a fairly awesome one while you still can!!!

(Historical Notes: I really figured somebody would make some variation of an “into the garbage chute, flyboy!” Star Wars reference… instead somebody made an Indiana Jones reference, making the “why did it have to be snakes” line into one about the trash.  I mean, it’s a valid joke.  This isn’t the first time Layla’s wound up in a garbage system.  Still, I was a bit surprised that nobody took the obvious path.)