Uh… Okay, I’m not gonna sugarcoat it: I got lazy on this page and just inked the rough draft again. No crazy convention thing or massive work schedule this time, I just… didn’t do it until the last minute. Yeah, even without anything actually happening right now, I’m just… spent right now. I dunno, I’ll try to get next week’s stuff looking a little less slap dash.

Speaking of which, I’m being too lazy to go back and check: did anyone specifically explain that Tabitha gave Avatar her number before everyone left the convention? I mean, we saw Skye give Trigger HERS, but I can’t remember if we actually saw anyone state that this is how Avatar got Tabitha’s.

Finally, ALSO regarding stuff I forgot to go back and check, check out the new voting incentive, then go look over the pages leading up. Did we ever see the robots starting to pry open the door again AFTER Ichabod welded it shut? ‘Cos we were supposed to, but with the gap between updates there, I can’t remember if it ever happened or not. Without it, Ichabod opening it again last time makes him look REALLY strong…

(Historical Notes: I went back and checked, and Tabitha DOESN’T seem to have given anybody her number before leaving the convention, though in retrospect I don’t think she even needed to.  We can easily say that Ichabod was given access to the convention’s panelist info, including their contact information, and Avatar just had to dig through that to find the Caligari’s. Nitpickers probably aren’t great about safeguarding personal information, at least not where doing so is inconvenient.)