Awww, even our gruff Layla can’t really argue that point.

…and I don’t really have much else to say at the moment, mainly because it’s 6:30 Friday morning as I write this and I’m scrambling to get all this stuff done before I leave for Katsucon. But hey, for the first time in I’m not even sure how long, I actually DID get an extra page of Far Out There done! Now we may actually get a Conventional Wisdom update in a timely manner! (Speaking of which, if I’m not on the forums or comments much, that’s what I’m doing)

What I REALLY don’t know about is if there’ll be a Voting Incentive when you read this. I MIGHT be able to whip one up in the middle of all the Katsucon comics… but I really don’t know. Meh, if you’re reading this, then I probably didn’t get it done. Sorry!

(Historical Notes: Oh my stars, there was SO much fan psychoanalyzing in the comments for this one.  Remember, we still hadn’t seen with her defenses down all that much yet, especially around somebody other than Trigger.  In the days before Tabitha’s rampant hug-fests, this was still fairly uncharted territory.)