So, this is another one of those “last minute stretching things out” moments. The last panel here was originally going to be the FIRST panel of the NEXT page, with the implication that these two struck up a conversation between pages. Really, that probably would have worked, but…

I dunno, it felt like we needed to see Tabitha actually MAKE Layla start talking. I mean, I really like the idea that Layla needed to just VENT about everything she’s been through lately (and I strongly doubt she’s go to Trigger for this kind of thing), but it still seemed odd to suggest that she’d just spontaneously open up to somebody she’s only met once. Still, since it’s well established that Tabitha likes to talk a LOT, I thought it’s help to see her drag some conversation out of Layla.

…but now I need to come up with a new first panel for the next page. But he, I’ve got time, because the “next” page is actually going to be next Tuesday. Why? Because THIS FRIDAY IS FAR OUT THERE’S FIFTH BIRTHDAY! Yep, I actually remembered this year! So, in celebration… I’m taking the opportunity to cop out and do a filler page for while I’m at Katsucon. I know, it’s kind of a sucky way to “celebrate”, but the past few conventions have taught me how BADLY I need to avoid stopping in the middle of the Conventional Wisdom work to on a new Far Out There. This way, by spreading out the stuff I’ve got written, I might actually be able to make that happen!

…what I probably WON’T make happen is another new Voting Incentive on Friday. So enjoy the one we’ve got tonight!

(Historical Notes: This is getting into a weird bit of re-editing complications to, because I WANTED to do a lot more tinkering with the line art but all this green everywhere makes copy/pasting things a lot messier than it should be.  Whose idea WAS all this green lighting, anyway?  I’d like to give that guy a piece of my mind…)