I really like this page, and under normal circumstances I’d love to prattle on about it.

BUT it’s very late, I’ve got a LOOOONG day at work tomorrow, and I’m currently wonked out on cold medicine too boot… so I really should stop writing things and go to sleep.

(Historical Notes: Okay, so this is weird.  I couldn’t find any trace of the master copy of this page, just the original scans of the pencil art.  The comments indicate there was a typo when I originally posted it, so between re-editing things to fix that, the aforementioned cold medecine, and the general craziness of the December update schedule, I guess I accidentally saved over it with one of the other pages.  I BRIEFLY thought about trying to reconstruct the page from scratch with those original scans… but I’ve got to many other things to get done right now, so instead I just tried a new way to clean up the SmackJeeves copy.  It’s still of unsatisfying quality.)