So, remember how I was gonna get a whole bunch of extra pages drawn, to keep these update from being late? Yeah, so much for that. I ended up spending a BIG chunk of yesterday on this page, even though I THOUGHT it was already finished days ago. See, I originally drew this page with TABITHA as the one spying on the boys. It wasn’t until the afternoon before this thing was supposed to go up that I realized something seemingly obvious: Bridget and Alphonse should have been the ones here. On the one hand, the whole peeking through the door thing just seems more like something a couple of curious little kids would do than somebody in her late teens. But what’s more, NOBODY WANTS TO SEE TABITHA RIGHT NOW. Well, okay, maybe that’s a little strong, but come on! We’ve FINALLY got Bridget and Alphonse back, and I was about to sideline them in order to give more face time to someone else? So, yeah, I ended up having to redraw a lot of this art to correct this little problem, and I’ll have to do the same for the art I already had for tomorrow’s page. I like making things hard for myself.

Speaking of making things hard for myself, we’ve also got a new Voting Incentive! See? I TOLD you we’d still have new ones!

(Historical Notes: So, the combining of the penciled art is a BIT better here than it was on the previous Christmas story, but it’s still a bit distracting how obvious everything is here.  What’s more, even at this point, it STILL doesn’t really look like the old-school illustrated storybook aesthetic I had in my head when I started doing these.  You can see why I eventually just went to a full 25 days of regular color comics.)