Oh MAN that Conventional Wisdom stuff is kicking my butt. Seriously, it’s a minor miracle that I managed to get even as simple a page as this done in the midst of all the comiking I’ve done this week. Believe me, the decision to leave this page Black or White had as much to do with saving time as it did with any artistic concerns (though I DO think it makes the light/dark contrast nice and stark) Also, I’m quite pleasantly surprised at how well dimly-lit Avatar turned out.For something I made up at the last minute to draw out the time-saving darkness, it sure looks nice.

Not so nice… I really, really hate to do this, but The Killer Station of Deadly Doom is still on hold for now. I know, I hoped to start doing new pages by now… but I hoped to have a LOT of things done by now. Well, at least we got an update at all, right?

EDIT: THERE! The Conventional Wisdom update is done! Now you can at least see what kept me busy all week!