Ladies and Gents, I give you THE EASIEST COMIC PAGE I’VE EVER DRAWN. I probably ought to be embarrassed for cutting the biggest corner possible (Sequential Art… without the art!) but frankly I’m kinda proud that I managed to space things out well enough to pull this off. See, I couldn’t get a single page of Conventional Wisdom drawn while I was actually at Anime USA, so I was already running behind the second I got back. Great time to have a page I could literally knock out in an hour, right?

Also, I’m kinda proud that the dialog manages to be clearly character-specific without ONCE cramming in any names awkwardly… at least, I can tell. I dunno, can you guys tell who’s saying what alright?

ALSO also, I’m strangely proud that you guys (correctly) assumed that Avatar would still be able to see even though I’d yet to explicitly say so before. You really know your Sci-Fi superpowers!

Sadly, there’s no new Voting Incentive again. (What, you thought I’d have time to draw an extra comic when I didn’t even have time to draw ONE?) HOPEFULLY I’ll be able to start The Killer Station of Deadly Doom back up on Friday, assuming I can get Conventional Wisdom wrapped up in time. In the mean time, you can still vote for the comic anyway! Please? It’d be really nice!

(Historical Notes: I thought about not including any character tags for this page, but you can still tell who’s talking so no easy outs there.  Also, there was a hilarious comment on The Cap’n not being present because he was busy trying to repair “his wife, I mean SHIP.” that absolutely should have become a running gag.)