There are times when there’s not really anything you can say that will make the other person feel better. Funny thing is, those are often the times when you don’t HAVE to say anything.

Fittingly enough, I don’t have much else to say about the page itself. Trigger likes hugs. Trigger hates when people are unhappy. These are fundamental things to understand about Trigger.

While I don’t have much to say about THIS comic, I do have some unfortunate business to report about the coming week. I’m off to another convention, and you know what that means: lots of extra work. As much as I hate to do it, Voting Incentives are going to be on hold AGAIN at least through next Tuesday. Again, I really hate to take yet another break, but it’s the only way I’ll be able to get the actual updates themselves done.

BUT, there is still a new page for today, and SWEET MERCIFUL CRAP, IT’S PAGE 100. I’VE ACTUALLY DONE A HUNDRED OF THESE THINGS.

(Historical Notes: Another page that I spent WAAAAAAY too much time fiddling with the second time around.  Again, the lines were way too thin because I hadn’t realized the importance of drawing things thicker when I’m going to scale them down.    What’s worse, though, is how weird all the proportions turned out because I was drawing them too big.  Not only was there the whole “spreading things out too far” problem, but the “important details that anchor other details spilling out past the edge of the page” was ESPECIALLY bad with how zoomed in those two top panels.  I fixed what I could, and it took a LONG time to do what little there is to see here.  Also, WOW those panel borders are too big.)