Okay, for the past… a while, I’ve been pounding these update out in a hurry because they were running so late. Well, for one I’m ahead of schedule, but I’m STILL in a hurry. Hurricane Sandy’s a couple of hours away, and I live in a neighborhood full of trees, so power’s pretty much guaranteed to go out at some point. Thus, here’s the page right the heck now!

This speed comes at a price, however: no new Voting Incentive today (and possibly Friday). Since I don’t know what the power situation will look like for the rest of the week, I really need to focus on getting the rest of the “real” comics finished and online. Sorry!

On the bright side, one of those “real” comics is A FULL COLOR HALLOWEEN COMIC! Tune in Wednesday for that!

(Historical Notes: My first instinct was to have Layla holding a picture of her and her Dad, but since it was VERY firmly established that she’d been deprived of all her previous belongings, it just felt wrong for her to have something like that.  At least with the Scribbles cameo plushie, we could assume she went out and bought another one.)