Original note – June 06, 2008
Dialog? We don’t need no stinkin’ dialog! Heck, I almost didn’t even put sound effects in this one. The panel layout isn’t even twisty and odd! Clearly, Blitz has been killed and secretly replaced by his evil twin from the alternate universe. Still, I like this one a lot. Simple little laughs like this are a lot harder to do than one might think.

“Buckets O’ Fried Mammal” must be a really special treat that doesn’t get served very often. I can’t think of any other reason why there would be this Big room FULL of vending machines and the ENTIRE CAST lines up at the same one…

(Historical Note: Pages like this are why I abuse copy/paste more and more these days.  It’s really distracting how I could never keep everybody’s placement in the frame constant, especially when Trigger “scooting” away from Vengeance somehow results in him being CLOSER than he was in the previous panel.  And this was back when I drew every panel on the same sheet of paper.  Now that I draw all panels separately, keeping details like this straight is even harder than it used to be.  Drawing one “master” line of all the characters, pasting it into every panel, then swapping out the necessary details on a panel by panel basis would take a lot more time to edit, but the results would be FAR less distracting.)