Oh man, I’m really embarrassed about the lateness of this one. Friday I could blame on work, but this time it’s entirely my own incompetence. See, I’d been doing those flashback pages fro so long, I’d forgotten just how much longer it takes to actually color every single frame.

So… yeah. Not really in a state to say much about this one. Ichabod’s obnoxious, Layla’s angry, I’m annoyed a bit with how the layout turned out (apparently, I also forgot how to pages where all the panels have borders), and there’s a new Voting Incentive. I’ma go sleep now.

(Historical Notes: Man, I went through a phase of REALLY too thick panel borders around this time, didn’t I?  Maybe I was subconsciously trying to compensate for the too-thin line work on the characters?  The blurry effect on the backgrounds help them stick out a BIG better, but it’s still annoying to me.  Also, I spent waaaaay too much time re-editing little face details that I got wrong the first time.  Also, Ichabod’s dialog turns out to be a big hint towards a twist that quite a lot of people had already figured out by this point…)