I like how this page turned out. That shades-wearin’ space buffalo is much cooler than I expected him to be. The DEATH FROM ABOVE panel’s pretty cool too, even if I did kinda skimp on the details for the skyline. Also, Avatar’s not said much for a while, but these reactions of hers are still contributing a lot. Yeah, I’m likin’ this, overall.

I’m especially pleased to be pleased considering I just did a big, giant Conventional Wisdom update. I’m usually really burnt out after one of those… and yeah, I kind of am burnt out. You know what’d make me feel better? If everybody went and read all the new comics!

Finally, lest Ichabod’s apparent moral outrage here should give you the wrong impression, the new Voting Incentive will remind us that he’s still kind of a jerk.

(Historical Notes: Just to keep picking on the art quality in this period of the comic, I REALLY like how the Space Buffalo’s inking turned out, while the inking on that bottom panel still bothers me.  I mean, the gang on the other side of the table look fine, but Layla REALLY needs to be standing out more if she’s gonna be that much in the foreground.  Also, this is another page where I REALLY regret not having the original reader comments preserved here.  There’s some really funny bits about what the space buffalo are actually going to do down there, much funnier than anything I wrote.)