Guys, you can not imagine how badly I needed this page. After all my bellyaching about being worn out and behind schedule and unhappy with the ends results, I REALLY needed to be excited about something. And this is it. Seriously, I’ve been wanting to tell this bit for AGES, and I’m super excited to finally be getting the chance!

And to make matters even better, I’m FINALLY happy with the art on a page again! It could be plenty better, yes (too much white void again) but I really love all the character art, especially Layla. I mean, come on! LOOK at that last panel! These are the sorts of good things that happen when I can actually take my time with a page.

…unfortunately, that time comes with a price. I’m afraid there’s no new Voting Incentive today. Yes, again. To be fair, though, I do have a secondary motive behind leaving the old one up: that “old” Incentive has barely been up a day. If you only checked the site on Tuesday and didn’t come back when the finished page went online, you wouldn’t have had a chance to see the thing yet! (And, as we all know, there’s no other way to see the Voting Incentives than by voting… None at all) It’s JUST so happens that my selfless attempt to give everyone a chance to enjoy the art also happened to free up an extra hour or so to work on the main comic. How ’bout that?

(Historical Notes: This remains one of my favorite Far Out There mini-arcs of all time, and between this and how The Killer Station of Deadly Doom was reaching a crescendo, I really do think Far Out There was hitting a high water mark it’s rarely matched sense, at least from a pure writing standpoint.   As far as ART goes… well, we’ll get to that shortly…)