THERE. The page is finally finished for real, complete with Voting Incentive! Now I can finally relax… and start drawing the NEXT update that’s due in less than 24 hours. *head desk*

Anyway, if you caught the half-finished update, you’ll notice that the dialogue’s rather different this time. Turns out, wording is hard to do well when you haven’t slept in a day, so I went back and revised a few things.

As always, I’m not entirely happy with the art, but there wasn’t time to do any more with it (I really wish I’d put SOMETHING in the background other than white void). Avatar’s expression in the last panel is a happy accident, though. Originally, I’d planned for the panel to only show Ichabod and Layla, all dramatic close-up like. But I drew them too far apart (again, no time to re-draw) and had to slip Avatar in the middle last second. I kind of botched the eyes and just ran with it, giving her that glare… and it TOTALLY works. She’s known Ichabod long enough to justify a look of “Not again. Why do you always have to be like this?”

And speaking of which… Ichabod’s kind of a jerk, isn’t he?

(Historical Notes: I like the randomly changing text on the can, I even added a little extra when I re-edited this page.  There is literally NO reason why the text is changing, the can isn’t another shape-shifting killbot, it’s just pointlessly stupid and sometimes I like pointless stupidity.  Sometimes.)