Time for me to complain about the art again. The first panel is loaded with stuff I’m not happy with but couldn’t fix due to Otakon. The perspective is all wonky, either the machines are too big or the tables are way too small, and I didn’t give myself room to do much funny stuff with the machines. Grumble grumble grumble.

More importantly, this kicks off a new sequence of events in the comic. That’s right, the story of Jenna, Kevin, and Megaweapon is, for the moment, mostly concluded. Actually, there ARE a few details to wrap up (including one glowing blue one) but I realized there’s some other bits of plot heavy lifting that need to occur before that happens. Thus, we must bid the Hector siblings adieu for a while. In the meantime, there’s a little arc on the way that I’ve wanted to do for a while, and another one that EVERYONE has been waiting for. HYPE!

Finally, despite my doom and gloom predictions earlier, there IS a new Voting Incentive comic! Go see!

Well, that’s all the news. Now I gotta go and frantically try and finish Conventional Wisdom comics. Whee.