Dude, you don’t understand. This girl NEEDED a hug. I don’t thin even she realized just how badly she needed a hug until right now.

Still, I gotta say it… This page is kind of unnecessary, from a strict editing sense. I could have just tacked Jenna’s line onto the last page as response to Kevin’s original apology and it’d have worked fine… which I know, ‘cos that’s how this was originally written. But then the idea hit for that middle panel, and I knew right away that I had to give the moment a full page to breath. Screw pacing. (All that said, I DO think it’s a nice moment for Kevin. It demonstrates that intentions really are good for once, and it makes his cluelessness kind of endearing)

Well, as I said last time, there isn’t a new Voting Incentive today. HOPEFULLY The Killer Station of Deadly Doom will be back Tuesday… if I can get Tuesday’s page finished in time. As I write this in the wee early hours of Thursday morning, that page still has a ways to go. If I CAN’T get it done before I leave for Otakon, that means I’ll have to finish it while also getting Conventional Wisdom finished, in which case there just won’t be time for another Incentive. I’ll let you know what’s what when I know. In the meantime, you can look through the Incentive Gallery and get caught up on all the previous pages! That’s… something… right?

(Historical Notes: Insert comment about finally getting the new Incentive gallery set up HERE.  Also, Kevin’s ironically gotten a lot harder to write for since this point, as I don’t want to make him TOO likable. I mean, there’s a big difference between a person who WANTS to be a nicer guy and a person who already is.  It’d actually be easier keep writing him as a complete jerk.  Less enjoyable, to be sure, but at least that doesn’t involve as much of a balancing act.)