YES! I got the page done after all! …sort of. So, here’s the deal. The original plan was to go ahead and post this version of the page now, then power on through the night and get the colored version and Voting Incentive up by dawn… but I am BEAT. It’s been a really exhausting week and I NEED some sleep. Still, I will get the rest of this update finished before Tuesday night. And the important thing is, we still got SOMETHING up more or less on time! TAKE THAT CATACLYSMIC STORM DAMAGE!

Anyway, about the comic. Once again, proof that Jenna is really the only one of these kids with any clue what’s actually going on. Also, proof that Trigger is A FOOL. Yes, yes, I know I’m the one who said in the first place that Trigger wouldn’t get over Skye after just a day or two, but still, come on! Jenna is all KINDS of cute in this page! If I were a wee little adolescent twerp again, I’d be all over that!

(P.S. Sorry all you Trigger/Jenna shippers)

ATTENTION! Not only is the page finally colored, but THE LATEST KILLER STATION OF DEADLY DOOM PAGE IS UP! Go vote on TWC and see it!