THERE! Page is online… sort of. Obviously, it’s not colored, and I don’t have the voting incentive scanned yet, but TECHNICALLY THIS UPDATE STILL HAPPENED ON TUESDAY! FAR OUT THERE’S PERFECT RECORD STILL STANDS!

So… yeah. I’ma go get to work on finishing up the rest of this stuff. Keep an eye on either my twitter or the Facebook page for an announcement on when the final draft of the comic and Voting Incentive are both ready. It SHOULD be all up later tonight, but MIGHT be early tomorrow morning. We’ll see.

And, of course, thanks to Viga for the new (well, new to me) scanner, and thanks to all of you for putting up with the delay! You’re all awesome!

EDIT: Okay, the latest Killer Station of Deadly Doom is finished and online too, so go vote and see that. I’ll get to work on coloring this page next, but I don’t think I’ll really have to announce when THAT’S done.

MOAR EDIT: Aww, what the heck, I’ll add a comment or two anyway. I’ll be trying to figure out the ins and outs of this new scanner for a while, so the image quality might be a little uneven for a while. Still, I guess this one turned out alright for a rush job.

(Historical Notes: MAN, there’s a lot of postscript on this page, huh?  I was really pleased at just how many people seemed to be COMPLETELY surprised by this turn of events.  I’m always worried about people figuring out the ending too far in advance, so seeing proof that I actually CAN pull off a surprise on occasion is very comforting.  Also, I Special Edition’d the final panel here to make Jenna a bit bigger and fill up some of that needless empty space.  Here’s hoping you never would have noticed if I hadn’t said anything.)