So, what do you think? Does Layla look sad because she doesn’t like what Trigger said about her? Does she feel guilty that she blew up at him? Is she just bothered by the very thought of Trigger being mad at her about anything? All of the above?

Well, this is the last of the pages I pounded out before the whole packing/moving/convention thing got really intense. Hopefully, come Friday, we’ll start seeing fully-finished pages again, and I’ll be going back and completing the last few weeks of comics as well. AND, hopefully, the Killer Station of Deadly Doom will be up and running again soon. But then, I’m still writing all this weeks in advance, so I really have no idea what’s going on at the time you read this. Cross your fingers…

EDIT: As I’ve mentioned before, I AM moved in. At this moment, I’m ALMOST done with Conventional Wisdom’s Animazement update. It should all be finished and online by dawn. Also, I have the next couple of days off, and I’ll be spending ’em drawing new pages like MAD. If we’re lucky, Voting Incentives will be back by Friday. I KNOW the past few weeks of pages will finally be colored in by then!

(Historical Notes: Oh yeah, THIS page got people talking in a really good way.  This isn’t the type of drama Far Out There would get into very often, but it sure seemed to work pretty well in this case, and I like the extra wrinkles it adds to Trigger and Layla’s relationship.  The sidekick’s not supposed to actually have, you know, THOUGHTS about things!)